About Steve Traudt


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"Photographing lets me see and feel a part of the environment, whether a soaring mountain or a tiny wildflower," says Steve Traudt.

Steve Traudt
Photo by Ron Smith

"This seeing leads to more awareness, which in turn enhances the seeing yet more. The whole process is addictive!" Raised in Nebraska, Traudt moved to Grand Junction in 1987 where he and wife, Fay Timmerman, established Quilt Junction and Gallery 412 which they operated for 9 years. The Gallery featured appearances by such notables as Galen Rowell and John Fielder. Steve currently teaches photography at several venues including his own SynVis Photo Academy inside his home (Grand Junction); Moab Photo Symposium and for the Black Canyon Camera Club (Cedaredge). Steve also taught for 18 years at Mesa State College. Steve also conducts a variety of photography workshops in Colorado; Utah; Arizona and New Mexico. He presents SynVis seminars around the country. In addition, he is a certified scuba diver, a writer and a pharmacist.

In a dusty attic at the age of 10, Traudt chanced upon some old darkroom items belonging to his father. He ordered fresh paper and chemicals from the "Monkey Ward" catalog and a lifelong interest was soon born.

He's exhibited photographs extensively around the world while earning many awards. Steve has led photo trips to such exotic locales as Costa Rica and the Galapagos. His magazine articles have appeared in various publications including Nature Photographer magazine. His images have appeared in several calendars and books.

Traudt calls his photographs Synergistic Visions. He explains synergism as the cooperative interaction of several elements to yield a superior result. For Traudt, photography is synergism of such elements as the brain, emotions, vision, lenses and the camera. Since photography is both art and craft, Traudt views this synergism as a marriage of left-brain and right-brain activities.

"In today's world, we're in such a hurry; never looking up or down, only straight ahead. I make photographs which cause the viewer to pause, even for a moment, and realize all the remarkable events in our world awaiting discovery."

Interested in a variety of subjects, his current work explores the form and texture of urban and natural landscapes. Traudt enjoys documenting the incongruities of everyday scenes and also employs various techniques to create emotive abstractions. His photographs are available as signed archival prints or canvas giclees and are available for stock use.

Our Story

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